The information and mentions below are provided in accordance with the requirements of the law n° 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy. Accessing and browsing the Website implies the full acceptance of terms and conditions defined below.


Website URL:
Website Publisher: SARL ROI DORÉ
6, rue Sainte Anastase – 75003 Paris – France
RCS Paris – 520 845 512
Intercommunity VAT number: FR20 520845512
Phone: +33 1 42 78 54 42
Director of publication: Jozef RUDEK

This Website (hereinafter “Website” or “ROI DORE”) has been declared to the CNIL (National Commission for Informatics and Liberties), concerning automated processing of personal data relating to the management of customer files and of prospects.

Reporting number: 2032119v0.

I. Personal information

1. This Website belongs to the company ROI DORE. In order to fulfill its purposes and process selling and buying offers and respond to requests for information, ROI DORE is required to collect personal data concerning Users of the Website (such as the User’s first / last name, address, email address, or other personal data). All information collected is exclusively and strictly intended for ROI DORE and – without explicit agreement or legal obligation – will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties.
2. As responsible for collecting and processing the data, ROI DORE takes appropriate measures to ensure the protection of Users’ personal data and their appropriate use in accordance with the purpose of their processing, as required by the law “Informatique et libertés” n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, relating to the data processing, files, and freedoms. Personal data relating to the Users will not be kept beyond the period strictly necessary for the management of the commercial relationship or the services offered on the Site. However, these data may be kept for security reasons and/or to enable ROI DORE to improve the management of the commercial relationship and/or to individualize the offered services.
3. The collected personal data are confidential and may not be disclosed or communicated to third parties unless requested by law or the judicial authority or with prior consent of the concerned User.
4. At any time the User has the right to refuse – free of charge and without justification – the processing of his personal data. He/she also has the right to access, rectify and delete any information that concerns him/her. However, in the case of incorrect entry, he/she risks that his order or any other request will not be processed or will be treated incompletely or incorrectly.

II. Personal information and other information

1. ROI DORE will not disclose to third parties personal data concerning the User, communicated via email or otherwise. This data will be used only for responding to the User’s request as efficiently as possible. In accordance with the law n°2004-801 of August 6th, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and amending Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to the data processing, files, and freedoms, the User has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning him/her. To do this, simply send your request to
2. The Website is not intended to receive from the User any information of a confidential nature, except that necessary for the processing and execution of his/her order or any other request. Consequently, and with the exception of the data indicated above, any information, regardless of the form – concept, document, data, question, remark, suggestion, or other – that the User will communicate on the ROI DORE website will not be deemed confidential in any way. Consequently, its simple transmission by the User confers to ROI DORE the right to use, reproduce, modify or transmit it for the purpose of processing the User’s request.
3. In the case of questions concerning the use or protection of personal information, the User may contact ROI DORE via the Contact Form, the email address, or by telephone.

III. Cookies

1. “Cookies” (hereinafter “Cookies”) are pieces of data which serve to record the elements concerning User’s navigation on the Website. Cookies cannot be used to identify the User.
2. ROI DORE informs Users that such Cookies may be installed automatically on their Internet browsers. The configuration of the navigation software makes it possible to inform of the presence of Cookies and possibly to refuse them by following the instructions (different on each navigation software).
3. The User has the right to access, delete and modify the personal data communicated through Cookies under the conditions indicated in article I. “Personal data”. ROI DORE draws the User’s attention to the fact that, for technical reasons, the deactivation of the Cookies may restrict the User’s access to the Website.

IV. Intellectual property

1. This Website is owned and operated by ROI DORE. The graphic charter and each of the elements, including trademarks, logos, images, and domain names appearing on the website are protected by laws in force on intellectual property and belong to ROI DORE. No part of the Website may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, downloaded, denatured, transmitted, or distributed in any way, in any medium in whole or in part, without prior written permission of ROI DORE. Only the copy for private use is authorized for the personal use of the User, private and non-commercial, on the User’s personal computer. Any authorized use of the elements composing or appearing on the Website must be done without denaturing, modification, or alteration in any way whatsoever. ROI DORE reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.
2. The Website respects copyrights. All works reproduced by ROI DORE and communicated on this Website are subject to copyright laws. Any use of the works reproduced on the Website, apart from the copy for private use and individual consultation, is prohibited. In order to be able to publish or distribute images, the User is entitled to apply to the Society of Authors in Graphic and Plastic Arts (ADAGP) or to equivalent organizations abroad, to obtain the necessary authorization and to settle the relative copyrights (ADAGP : 11 rue Berryer, 75008 Paris, France, phone: +33 1 43 59 09 79, email:

V. Links to other websites

1. ROI DORE cannot be held liable for any third-party website to which the User may have access via the Website. ROI DORE does not have any means of controlling the content of these third-party sites that remain completely independent of ROI DORE. In addition, the existence of a link between ROI DORE and a third-party website does not in any way mean that the content of this website is approved by ROI DORE in any way whatsoever, and especially the use that could be done of this content.
2. External websites may contain hypertext links to ROI DORE. Such links cannot be installed without the express prior consent of ROI DORE. In no event shall ROI DORE be held responsible for the unavailability of such websites and ROI DORE does not review, control, endorse those Websites and is not responsible for their content, advertising, products, or other material available on or via those websites.

VI. Warranty and limitations of liability

1. ROI DORE endeavors to ensure, to the best of its ability, the accuracy and the up-to-date character of the information posted on the Website, of which ROI DORE reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. However, ROI DORE cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, up-to-date character, or exhaustiveness of the information made available on the Website. Consequently, and with the exception of direct damages resulting from a serious and/or intentional fault of ROI DORE, ROI DORE declines all responsibility:
a. For any imprecision, inaccuracy, and omission relative to the information provided on the Website.
b. For any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party, leading to a modification of the information or elements made available on the Website.
c. For any damages, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, even if ROI DORE has been advised of the possibility of such damages, caused by the access or impossibility to access the Website by any person, including any damage or virus that could infect the User’s computer equipment or any other property, and/or the credit that the User gives to any information coming directly or indirectly from the Website.
2. ROI DORE undertakes to do its best to ensure access to the Website and its proper functioning under the best conditions. However, ROI DORE cannot guarantee that the Website is free from defects and/or available 24/7. Defects, events, and/or elements that are not controlled by ROI DORE, such as, for example, means of transmission and communication between the User and ROI DORE and between ROI DORE and other networks, as well as technical requirements such as updates, may lead to the temporary unavailability of the Website.
3. ROI DORE may, at any time, modify or interrupt temporarily or permanently, all or part of the Website to perform maintenance operations, improvements, and/or modifications to the Website. ROI DORE is not responsible for any external modification of the Website or its suspension or interruption occurring for reasons independent of ROI DORE.
4. ROI DORE reserves the right to modify this “Security policy” at any time. The version of this document – in force and applicable on the day of the User’s visit on the Website – is included in the “Security policy” section of the Website. ROI DORE invites the User to consult this document on a regular basis.

VII. Legal provisions

2. Given the global dimension of the internet, ROI DORE informs that any User must comply with the rules applicable in his/her country of residence. ROI DORE cannot be held responsible for the use of the Website not in accordance with the local legislation.