Photo of the year by Marcin Ryczek at the Galerie Roi Doré

Photo of the year by Marcin Ryczek at the Galerie Roi Doré

“A Man feeding a Swan in the Snow” by Marcin Ryczek, designated as one of the Photos of the Year by the Huffington Post, is now presented at the Galerie Roi Doré (until February 1st)!

“There are just so many photography competitions these days it’s difficult to navigate, to decide where and whether an artist should spend their marketing budget to win the hearts of a bunch of judges who are casting their eyes over sometimes literally thousands of images. The International Fine Art Photography Award has sensible prizes — cash, exhibitions, very good exposure — and is one I enjoy and am proud to be involved with. Marcin Ryczek‘s winning image of a man feeding swans in the snow is a knock-out. Such great composition, such broad appeal!”


More information about the artist: